References for health and nutrition suggested by Dr Rockwell.
Topics from healthy sun screen, the importance of vitamin D, Cancer prevention strategies, what to eat, what not to eat, how to exercise and many more. Dr Rockwell is continually searching for better ways to improve health before, after, and as a means of preventing the need for surgery. It is her dream for us all to live a more vibrant and healthy life, free of pain and disease. She tries to emulate and live these healthy ways and wishes to share this life changing information with you all.
Diet and lifestyle to optimize health, recovery and prevention of breast cancer recurrence.
Cancer Prevention - Bra Day 2014
Nutrition and Health: Summary of current scientific literature on health and nutrition. Excellent videos and written information useful to everyone.
Health and Lifestyle: Excellent information on diet, exercise, disease prevention, recovery, lifestyle modification.
Natural Health Articles Directory
Why So Many Mixed Messages on Mammogram Benefits?
Up to date cutting edge alternative lifestyle health topics: Information from the directors of the Hippocrates Health Institute. A raw vegan lifestyle transformation centre in the USA.
Excellent book on breast cancer prevention by author Dr. Christine Horner.
"Waking the Warrior Goddess"
Hippocrates Health Institute: Lifestyle transformation program, detoxification, medical testing.
.Suggested Reading:
The Emotion Code: Dr Bradley Nelson
ISBN: 978-0-9795537-0-7
Suggested Reading:
Anatomy of the Spirit: Caroline Myss, PH.D